FLUGT, Refugee Museum of denmark by BIG

FLUGT Museum is a unique and thought-provoking architectural masterpiece that tells the story of refugees and their experiences. The museum, located in the heart of Denmark's capital city, Copenhagen, is a powerful symbol of the country's commitment to understanding and empathy for those who have been forced to flee their homes.

Designed by the renowned Danish architectural firm, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), the museum is a striking combination of old and new, with a modern, minimalist design that seamlessly blends with the historic building that it inhabits. The museum occupies a 19th-century building that was once used as a prison, and the architects have used this history to inform the design of the museum.

The museum's entrance is a glass-enclosed atrium that leads visitors into the heart of the building. Inside, the museum is split into two levels, with the upper level dedicated to the history of refugees and the lower level housing temporary exhibitions. The layout of the museum is designed to be both interactive and educational, with a range of exhibits that tell the stories of refugees from all over the world.

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One of the most striking features of the museum is the use of light. The architects have used natural light to create a sense of openness and space, while also highlighting the building's original features. The use of light also helps to create a sense of movement, as visitors are guided through the museum on a journey that reflects the experiences of refugees.

The museum's architecture is not only visually striking, but it also serves a deeper purpose. The building's past as a prison symbolizes the struggles and hardship that refugees face, while the use of light and open spaces represents the hope and freedom that refugees seek. The combination of the old and new architecture is a metaphor for the integration and acceptance of refugees into a new society.

Denmark's Refugee Museum is a powerful and moving architectural achievement that tells the story of refugees in a unique and thought-provoking way. It is a must-see destination for anyone interested in understanding the experiences of refugees and the role that architecture can play in telling their stories.

The Danish Building of the Year award is one of the most prestigious awards in Danish architecture, and it is a testament to the quality of the design and the impact of the museum. The award was presented to the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) for their outstanding work in creating a powerful and thought-provoking architectural masterpiece that tells the story of refugees in a unique and meaningful way. The award is a recognition of the architects’ creativity, skill, and dedication to the project, and it is a well-deserved acknowledgment of the impact that the museum has had on the Danish community. The Danish Building of the Year award is a fitting recognition of the importance of the museum, and it serves as a reminder of the critical role that architecture can play in shaping our understanding of the world around us.